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How to receive orders through our platform - The marketplace
How to receive orders through our platform - The marketplace

A step by step guide to receiving orders on the platform

Cutr Admin avatar
Written by Cutr Admin
Updated over 4 months ago

This guide explains how our platform functions when it comes to receiving orders from Cutr.

Overview of orders

Orders on our platform are often shared with multiple partners and may be accepted by more than one partner. Accepting an offer does not guarantee it will be assigned to you directly. To understand more about how we assign orders, please read this article

Receiving an offer

When we send you an offer, you will receive an email from with the order details, including the title, requested delivery date, and price.

  1. View Order: Click this button to see the order details.

  2. Alternative Access: Log into your Cutr workspace and click Review Offer to view the order details.

Reviewing an offer

When you open the offer, you’ll be directed to the Project page. Below is an explanation of each tab:


General information about the order.


General notes about the order.

Dispatch notes

Relevant notes when dispatching the order to our network.


Lists all materials required in the order.


Details of all hardware needed for the order.


Organized files related to the order, with an option to download all as a zip folder.

By clicking View All you'll be automatically navigated to the Files tab.

By downloading all files a download will automatically start with all the files structured in a zip folder


Overview of required work and pricing for this order, including delivery date and address. Here, you can Accept or Decline the offer, download it as a PDF, and read about next steps if you accept.


The Files tab allows you to view and download files related to the order and includes an option to download the packing slip.

File Folders:

Files are often organized by product type (e.g., Kitchen and Living Room), with subfolders for specific components

Example order where folders define each product type: Kitchen and Living oom. Subfolders can be found within the product type parent folder.

Symbol Definition

This file should not be used for any production prep work. Its details might be not according to the customer spec.

This shows the number of unique parts that are found within the file. This could be both a 3D file or a 2D file which has an attached parts list. The details of the parts can be found in the Materials tab.

A yellow dot appears on any Files which have been newly uploaded or not yet viewed by you.

We have a full article written about File Management on our platform: File Management on Cutr Orders


The option tab is showing you assembly and installation information of the files in the order. More information about the definitions of assembly and installation can be read here

Order options

This overview tells you if the order needs to be installed or not. Furthermore it clarifies if an official FSC certification is needed to produce this order

File Options

For each file that need to be used for production it tells you how many parts are identified in the file, the number of quantity of this file need to be produced and whether assembly is required or not.

You have the option to switch between the Grid View and Table View to your preference. Do this by clicking Grid View or Table View on the right side.


The fulfilment tab shows us the information of the order when and where it needs to be delivered.

Requested delivery by

This is the delivery date the order is intended to be delivered / installed at the requested delivery location.

Delivery address

This tells you the location of the delivery address. In this card you can also find information on which day the delivery can take place, on what floor the address is and any other information about the location whether there is an elevator or what the measurements are of the door


In this overview you will find all the materials that are assigned the corresponding files in the order.


When having Materials selected, you can find all the materials assigned to the file selected in the dropdown menu. On the right side of your screen you can see a preview of the file.

While reviewing the materials, you can always toggle open the offer which will display the offer on the right side of your screen

Leftover material

You can also find information about what is required regarding the leftover material. Important note is that the selected option applies to the whole order.

  • Keep: This means the customer want to keep the leftover material

  • Discard: This means you can discard the leftover material

Material Cards

All the material sizes that have materials assigned in the order are able to be selected.

Assigned material

By selecting the material size (e.g. 18mm in this example) the preview will mark all the parts that belong to that material. In this overview all the 18mm parts are made off 18mm Medite MDF Premier E1 (2440 x 1220 x 18mm). All the 12mm parts are made of Medite MDF Premier E1 (2440 x 1220 x 12mm)

Non assigned material

You can also find parts that have no material assigned, in this example this are the feets of the cabinet which are assigned in the hardware.

Switch between files

By selecting the dropdown menu under materials, you can also find the assigned materials to the other design files.

Material Usage

When having Material Usage selected, you get a complete overview of all the materials assigned to the complete order. Per specific material you can find a nesting. This reflects the number of sheets we've mentioned on the Project tab and in the offer.

Each nesting has their own card and reflecting for which material the nesting is. You can find information as the material information, how many sheets were nested and how many parts are nested in the sheets. Lastly you can see from which file are parts nested in this nesting.

When clicking view nesting you get an overview of the parts that are nested in the sheets. Unfortunately these nesting results are simply a review what the nesting looks like and these can't be send to your machine directly.


The offer tab is telling you all the offers relevant to the order. On an offer we always share the delivery date and location, what is and is not included in the quote and if a FSC certification is requested or not.

Offer breakdown

The offer is always divided in categories as production (work preparation, materials, production), and additional costs (design, installation packaging, transport)

At the bottom of the offer we store the payment terms of the offer

Offer statuses

An order can have multiple offers. However not every offer is able to be accepted. Below an overview of all statuses:

  • Available: The offer is available to get accepted by you

  • Accepted: This is the most recent accepted offer

  • Replaced: This is is an old offer that was originally accepted but has been replaced by the newest accepted offer

  • Missed: This is an old offer that is not available anymore

Offer options

When you have an available offer, you have two options in terms of accepting and cancelling the order.

Accept an offer

By clicking accept a modal will open with information about next steps when accepting this offer. Once you accept, our system get a notification that you are willing to produce this order with us. In this article we have a complete explanation how the assign process works of assigning orders to our partners.

Once you agree to the note in the model, you can press Accept offer

Cancel an offer

When cancelling an offer we would like to understand your feedback what part(s) of the offer were not appealing to you. We kindly ask you to give us your feedback

Once you've shared your feedback, you have two options.

  • Decline offer: You submit your feedback with the note you are not open for any counter offer / feedback

  • Send feedback: You are submitting your feedback with the note that you're open for discussion


To make this information easy to ingest, we've created a video explaining all of the details shared in this article here.

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