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Pre-production checklist

All information for preparing an order before production starts.

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Written by Cutr Admin
Updated over a week ago

Preparing for production

Before you start production, we want to make sure that you and your team fully understand the specific requirements of the order. If anything is unclear or if you need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us via the corresponding e-mail for the relevant order

This article gives you:

  • a clear picture of our platform and shows you the possibilities.

  • You will gain insight into what can be found on each tab and what the purpose is.

  • With the help of this article, you can easily navigate our platform.


Our design team is highly experienced in working with various CAD software. If you are having trouble translating the files to your software, our team should be able to help you.

You should ask yourself:

  • Can I open and fully and accurately read the files?

  • Are the files translated correctly to my own software and is the scale correct?

  • Can I clearly see the volumes and surfaces, as well as the dowel holes, grooves, pockets, etc. and their dimensions?

  • Can I identify flat surfaces of curved parts?

  • Do I see any errors or inaccuracies in the design file?

  • Can I accurately export the files to my CNC machine, with all the necessary information?

Supporting files:

In some cases, accompanying support files may be available to help you assemble or install the project. These files can provide useful context and clarity, so be sure to check them out before you start.

Production files

Typically, three files are included with every new project: a worksheet, packing slip, and nesting reference. Below is an explanation of these three components:

  • Worksheet - This is a worksheet with all the materials used during this order. Print out the information and use it to check that all materials and parts are present.

  • Packing slip - This is a packing slip used when the project is packaged and delivered on site. It is mandatory to use this packing slip because we want to link our name to the delivery of a project.

  • Nesting reference - Through this link you can download all nesting references that you would normally find under the 'materials' tab. Note that this reference is indicative of how we have calculated our quote and prices for materials. It does give an idea of how the plates can be nested.


Under Options, you will find the key information about the project, with each heading explaining what the production partner needs to understand. In addition, we also provide the support you need to make the right choice.


In the notes, the customer writes down some important notes that are useful for the production partner to know. For example, a suggestion can be made for the installation and delivery date, but also reference can be made to a requirement of the project, or how it will be installed in the end. These are things that are good to know for the successful execution of the project.

File Options

Under 'File Options', we find information such as:

  • Quantity - How much needs to be produced?

  • Edge banding - Should edge banding be used? If so, which sides and what type?

  • Sanding - Should sanding be done? If so, with what thickness?

  • Finishing - Should a finish be applied? If so, what type of finishes?

We also indicate whether the project needs to be assembled or not. Finally, you will find 'additional information' which often relates to extra hardware for the project, often with links to this hardware included.


It is good to know that all the information shared under the 'delivery' tab is also directly communicated to the customer. If you enter a date under 'delivery schedule', the customer will receive an update of this directly. The delivery address is also included here. All the necessary information about this will also be communicated to the customer.

Material arrival- & Planned completion date

Here you indicate when the material arrives at your location and when the work is expected to be finished. Please update this within 72 hours after accepting the order. It is possible to adjust the material arrival date, but please provide a reasonable reason for this. For example: "The material has been delayed".

Delivery Schedule

In this field, we see when you expect to deliver the project. It is possible to deliver the project before the agreed delivery date but certainly not after the expected delivery date. Keep in mind that projects can still be delayed, if the requested deadline cannot be met, please contact Cutr via the email of the relevant project.

Delivery Address

Here you will find all the necessary information about the delivery address. This information is also communicated to the customer.


A checklist is a useful tool that helps you keep track of important tasks and ensures that nothing is forgotten. In the context of a production partner, a checklist can help you keep track of the necessary steps and ensure that all the required information is up to date. This includes things like updating delivery information and checking that all materials and parts are present. By following a checklist, you can help ensure that the project is completed successfully and on time.


Under 'Materials', you will find the materials used for this order, as well as which parts use these materials and how we have nested the parts. If multiple files have been used in this order, you will find in each file which materials have been used.

In the example below, you can see that a solid Fir panel with continuous grain has been used. From this sheet, 16 parts are made. If you click on the material, the relevant parts are also visible in the 3D viewer.

Then, in 'Nesting', you can find more information about the sheet, such as how much of the sheet is used versus how much is not used. By clicking on 'View nesting', a nesting example is displayed in a new screen. You can also directly download this via the option 'download nesting reference files'.

Note: this is indicative and cannot yet be used on your machines.

The exact information for each material can be found in 'Files' under the 'Worksheet'.

It is important to ask the following questions for every project:

  • Is this material suitable for the use that this part will receive (indoors or outdoors)?

  • Have I ordered the correct material/color?

  • Has the material arrived at my supplier without damage?

  • Do I have enough material to produce all parts?

  • Has all the material arrived?

Grain Direction

The grain direction can make or break the design of a finished product. Typically, designers will specify the grain direction in their file or directly on the Cutr platform. This will also be available in the "Worksheet" that you can download within "Files". With other types of materials (such as MDF), the grain direction does not matter.

Check the following:

  • Am I working with a material where grain direction is important?

  • Has the grain direction been specified by the customer?

  • Have I considered the grain direction in my work preparation?

  • What is most common for this type of furniture?

  • Are dowel holes or cutouts placed correctly, considering the grain direction that is visible to the eye?

Sheet Size Optimising (reducing leftover material)

It is very important to optimize the use of the sheets to produce the order with the minimum amount of material. "Cutlist optimizers" are a useful tool to achieve this. Some materials are available in different sheet sizes, but not all of them will be suitable for the design. Try to optimize your sheet size to use the cheapest or least material, depending on what works best for the given design

Edge banding

Edge banding is an important part of the furniture industry, especially for materials such as melamine particleboard and MDF with HPL. It is important because it ensures that the edges of these materials look neat and professional, and because it reduces the vulnerability of the edges to damage. In addition, edge banding can also help to conceal imperfections in the material and to make the material fit better with other parts of the design. This is particularly important for parts of the design that will be visible to the eye.

Ask yourself the following:

  • Would I recommend different specifications for the edge banding (2 mm is most common)?

  • Do I have enough material to complete the edge banding for this design?

  • What glue am I using (water-based, 1-component/chemical-based, 2-component)? Is that the right one for the customer?

  • Do I have 5 to 10% extra in stock for any cutouts?


Stickers help you and your team (and Cutr) keep track of which parts are being produced. This allows everyone to quickly check the accuracy and completeness of each order, regardless of whether the final product will be assembled by you or the customer. Unless you are producing an order in one piece, labeling each part with stickers is the best way to ensure that parts of an order are not lost or confused in a busy workshop. This will also help you complete your quality assurance processes before delivering an order to a customer.

Ask yourself the following:

  • Do I have enough information to print stickers for the order

  • Are stickers and a printer available to use for this order?

  • Will my stickers leave residue when removed?


A customer may indicate that they want us to assemble their project. This information can be found at the bottom of the "options" page.

You should ask yourself:

  • Am I clear on how to assemble the order?

  • Does the design need editing in order to be assembled?

  • Do I need to use glue and/or screws? Do I have the required materials?

Leftover Material

Customers have different reasons for choosing to receive or not to receive leftover material with their order (for example, to use small pieces for other projects, or because they do not want to dispose of the material themselves and want to pay an additional fee for this).

They can select this option when placing an order via the "Left over material" option under "Options". If this is selected, you can easily attach the leftover material to the project when delivering it. However, this does affect the transport costs for the customer. We take this into account.


The Offer is the most important part, because this is where we tell you what this project is going to yield. At the top you will find the total amount excl. VAT directly. We deposit this entire amount (70% after offer acceptance and 30% after delivery). So there are no fees or hidden costs associated with working with Cutr.

We calculate our offers in our own way, making a logical distribution between different parts such as work preparation, material costs, production costs and transport costs. We try to underpin each item as clearly as possible, so that it is clear how we come to our price.

You can then indicate whether you want to reject or accept the order. If you reject the order, you can still provide feedback without rejecting the entire project. You can then also reject the entire project, so that we do not have to come back to you with questions or a counteroffer. If you are satisfied directly, you can press 'accept'.

If the project is accepted, there is a binding agreement. We then assume that you are going to deliver the project.

At the bottom of the quote, you can also download the quote by pressing the 'download pdf' button.


The last tab is about the payment. Here we ask you to add your invoice reference within 24 hours of accepting the offer. This is so that you can download your invoice from our platform, including an invoice reference that you can add to your own administration.

Furthermore, you will find the invoices here as agreed. Normally we pay 70% after acceptance and the last 30% after delivery. The distribution between these two invoices can be found in the 'Billing' tab.

You can view the invoice by clicking on 'view'. You can then download the invoice at the top of the page. All the necessary information should be on the invoice.

Do you have any questions or comments? Please email us at Your experience and knowledge in this area will help us deliver the best possible products to our customers. If you have any suggestions that could further improve our products, please let us know.

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