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Exporting a file

What to keep in mind when exporting a file from your design software.

Cutr Admin avatar
Written by Cutr Admin
Updated over 3 years ago

When exporting a file to another type it is important to ask yourself the question: “Which information do I want to export?” In most of the design programs you can hide parts but that doesn't mean that those parts will not be exported. The best advice is to export a file and re-open it in your destination design program.

What kind of files can you upload to Cutr?


A .STEP file is a 3D model file formatted in STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data), an ISO standard exchange format. It contains three-dimensional model data saved in a text format that is recognised by multiple computer-assisted design (CAD) programs.


An .SKP file is a three-dimensional model created by SketchUp, an easy-to-use 3D design program. It contains a model that is composed of wireframes, shades, edge effects, and textures. SKP files may also include components that can be inserted into other SketchUp documents.


A .DWG file is a 2D or 3D drawing created with Autodesk AutoCAD, a professional CAD program. It contains vector image data and metadata that AutoCAD and other CAD applications use to load a drawing. DWG files are related to .DXF files, which are ASCII versions of DWG files.


A .DXF file is a data file saved in a format developed by Autodesk and used for CAD (computer-aided design) vector image files, such as AutoCAD documents. DXF files are similar to .DWG files, but are more compatible with other programs since they are ASCII (text) based.

We are working to accept the following file formats in the near future!

  • STL

  • IGES

  • Solidworks

  • Rhinoceros

  • Inventor

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